Gutsy Resilient Insightful Tenacious (Roadmap to Success)

by Wole Oladiyun


Book Details

GRIT GUTSY | resilient | insightful | tenacious (Roadmap to Success)

Developing grit is essential for anyone who desires to succeed in life. Quite a number of people assume that being talented or skilled, or that being geniuses or intellectuals automatically guarantee that they will be successful. Can you recollect a genius in your school days who isn’t doing as good as you all thought he would back then?

Attaining success is more about passion and perseverance than it is about talent and intellect. Grit is simply you have a “never give up approach” to life and living. It is you having a “hang-in-there-despite-all” attitude to plans and purposes. The story of success may begin with talent and know-how, but it is sustained by Grit.

In this book, Oladiyun tells his grit story and reveals to us how guts, resilience, insight and tenacity play vital roles in attaining success.

You should read it!


About the Author

Wole Oladiyun

Pastor Wole Oladiyun is the senior pastor of Christ Livingspring Apostolic Ministry (CLAM), Lagos, Nigeria. He was a proficient building cum civil engineer with many years of active service before he was called into full-time ministry. An alumnus of then University of Ife (Now Obafemi Awolowo University), who also holds an MBA from the Business School of the Netherlands, Oladiyun is passionate about relevance in the lives of people hence his unrelenting efforts at mentoring many by constantly churning out great books for great minds. An ardent lover of music with an untiring passion for soul-winning, Oladiyun is known to courageously march into villages and cities to gain grounds for Christ through CLAM Global Outreach (CLAMGO). He has also created a one-of-its-kind platform (“Prayer Parliament”) ( which can now be accessed in various languages of the world. This platform has continued to birth immense testimonies. Oladiyun presides over the Ministers’ Apostolic Fire Convocation (MAFCO), an annual three-day apostolic retreat forum for Christian leaders in line with the “Upper Room” unction. He was born and raised in the Christ Apostolic Church (C.A.C.) faith founded by the late Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola, and over the years, he has distinguished himself as a well-grounded servant of God who has remained relevant in this generation. He and his wife, Pastor (Mrs.) Bukola Oladiyun (Nee: Olubakinde) are blessed with four prophetic children and grandchildren.

Also by Wole Oladiyun

Pastor's Prayer Manual
Success Prayer Book
Breakthrough Prayers
You Can Make It
Divine Healing From Sicknesses