Conquering Fear

Overcoming fear, worry and anxiety with the Word of God

by Ian Ferree


Book Details

A journey from emotional distress to complete freedom

In a world full of uncertainty, diseases, disasters, and hopelessness, fear can be crippling. Where can we go to find hope and help? “Conquering Fear” integrates clinical methods for stopping panic and reducing anxiety with Biblical truth. From there, a journey through the Word of God leads to an understanding of who God says we are and how we can be set free from fear and anxiety for good. This book is for anyone who struggles with fear, worry, depression or anxiety and is looking for answers and for hope.


About the Author

Ian Ferree

Ian Nicholas Ferree, author of “Q & A: God and the Bible”, has served in youth ministry for over seven years. He holds a Graduate Diploma in Theology, Biblical Studies and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology. Ian is working on a Master’s in Counseling with a cognate of Crisis Response and Trauma. He and his wife, Amanda, and their two daughters reside in the outskirts of Pittsburgh, PA.

Also by Ian Ferree

Q & A: God and the Bible