About the Author The Author’s history is significant because he was born in 1942, 15 city blocks from the nation’s capital, in a house that had no indoor plumbing (it had an outhouse) nor electricity, and it was heated by a wood stove in the dining room. He was born mid-day, at home, by the (Mid-wife ) who was also his grandmother- not in the local hospital (that was 4 blocks away) because it only accepted black patients in emergancy.Rollins served in the US Air Force from 1961 (beginning construction of the Berlin Wall, The Cuban Missile Crisis, also known as the October Crisis of 1962, and the Viet Nam war) to 1965. James C. Rollins is a retired D.C. Government civil servant. He is a resident of Prince Georges County, Md. the father of four kids and the grandfather of four super special kids, and great grandfather of two baby boys and a baby girl. He probably was one of the first single parent dads of the 1970s. He attended Antioch University. Contact; James C. Rollins240 348-7530 202 320-8406sgrfoote1@comcast.net
The True Black History
by James C. Rollins

The True Black History
by James C. Rollins
Published Jan 11, 2020
158 Pages
Genre: EDUCATION / History
Book Details
I consider myself one of the luckiest men around. My writing has been shaped by my dual cultural background part Lakota, part child of the prairie grasses, and sweeping sky, but also I’ve been privileged to be mentored by great thinkers and writers. This doesn’t count the writers who mentored me through their writing. The moral questions for The Nun Who Killed Sparrows of my story are gleaned from a Nobel Prize winner Elie Wiesel’s seminar, teaching me that eternal truths are not arrived through logic so much as through the stories we construct out of life experiences. This story comes from an examination of events from my childhood, which put me on my present track, determined to teach, write, and find God’s hand in the world around me. In Lakota literature there is a familiar saying, “Brave up Brother it is a good day to die,” but that’s misleading because death is not the ending it is for westerners. Stories go on, souls become, the dappling of light on running water, fireflies in the grass, the brush of butterfly wings, the call of an owl, the swirling of a dust devil, the wind-songs of aspen and pine. So I want to thank all my students who’ve inspired me, and all those who’ve kept on loving words, and stories, and words.
African Americans searching for the African roots of their culture should begin by understanding that only about five percent of between 11 and 12 million enslaved Africans were brought to North America or the United States. By 1619 the first African indentured servants arrived in the American colonies. The indentured servant was not a slave; they were under contract to provide service, over some time, after which they were set free. “What an interesting book! This book is well written while covering such a wide variety of topics that each entry is interesting and enlightening. There was an excellent job of covering a large period before the EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION and after, in a clear and concise manner. It definitely gives the readers food for thought, and they’ll still be thinking about this book and its revelations long after they’ve read the last page.”
Book Excerpt
ExcerptsFINAL SUMMARYTrue black history has been benchmarked by a series of social engineering events designed to diminish or destroy African American society. We are today, the product of adverse political, social, and legal events at every turn.Life under slavery was awful; Emancipation was supposed to eliminate those conditions. Emancipation gifted newly freed slaves with the rebirth of white supremacy in the South, which was accompanied by Black Codes, Chain Gangs, Peonage, Convict Leasing, and finally, the Ku Klux Klan.Out-migration from slavery should have been the beginning of a dream based on the initial success of Black Wall Street. Black Wall Street should have been used as the shining example going forward because it represented what Black community-building success should look like. Cabrini Greene, the end of the migration dream, represented the devastating effects of racial, social engineering. After the U.S. Supreme Court declared in 1888 racially based housing ordinances unconstitutional in 1917, segregation released the creative spirits of those who would oppress and dominate the weak and defenseless. Thus Cabrini Greene. The Washington, D.C. public school system, before integration, was an example of a productive teaching/learning experience for black children. That system used the considerable advantage that segregation created; the highest educated black professionals had few opportunities for employment. Thus they turned to education. When school de-segregation started, the Black community focused only on college-level preparation, which ultimately lost most black students. The result was a large portion of black students failed to meet minimum academic standards- they had little educational interest.The Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended segregation in public places and banned employment discrimination by race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, which was considered to be one of the crowning legislative achievements of the civil rights movement. The truth was that the Civil Rights Act bought black America heroin, crack cocaine, and the beginning of the end of intact black families as a method of undermining black completion. African Americans had become a society of drug addicts that continue to this day, ultimately preventing them from participating in developing wealth.New York City’s “man in the house rule” required welfare workers to make unannounced visits to determine if fathers were living in the home – if evidence of a male presence was found, cases were closed and welfare checks discontinued. Thus the beginning of the end of intact black families. Ronald Reagan’s “Welfare Queen” narrative only reinforced existing white stereotypes about blacks. The Nixon campaign in 1968 and the Nixon White House had two enemies: the anti-war left and black people. John Ehrlichman stated in a radio interview: “We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or blacks, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities.”There was a media’s portrayal of the African American community during the 1980s crack epidemic with countless stories of incurable “crack babies” who would inevitably grow up to be criminals. The “culture of poverty” welfare queens and poor people were themselves the cause of drug abuse, and the only solution to protect (white society) was swift, harsh and unrelenting punishment comprizing long jail sentencesthrough the “War on Drugs.” There was a determined effort since the end of slavery (1865) to destroy any effort of African Americans to build wealth. The destruction Black Wall Street was the first of a series of economic plagues unleashed on Black wealth building in America at the end of slavery. Sadly, the end of Black Wall Street destroyed any example of a thriving black community wealth building. Sub-Prim, Redlining, and PayDay lending were the latest efforts at Black wealth destruction.“The 2012 turnout was a milestone for blacks and black politicians. “What it suggests is that there was an ‘Obama effect’ where people were motivated to support Barack Obama. But it also meant that black turnout may not always be high if future races aren’t as salient, especially for black voters.”Because of the Black population's geographical distribution, the black voting population has an impact of (72) electoral college votes for president. Therefore, as was proven during the 2016 Trump/ Clinton election, a Democrat will always have a difficult time getting elected President without a high black turnout. African Americans need to understand and appreciate their value in the electoral process.