Schustermeyer’s Threesome

Three Short Stories

by Perry Shimanoff


Book Details

Schustermeyer is back with 3 exciting adventures!

Schustermeyer’s Fire: Schustermeyer endures the Loma Prieto Earthquake in 1989 in the first story and subsequent conflagration. Schustermeyer and the Middle School: The second story focuses on an 8th grade neighbor who is a virtuoso basketball player and an irresponsible after-school teacher. Schustermeyer’s Mother – 2016: The third story revisits with Schustermeyer’s Mother…a second attempt to eliminate her 90-year-old boyfriend. Enjoy all three of these romps that take place in the San Francisco area and Medford, Oregon. Semper Fi!


About the Author

Perry Shimanoff

Perry Shimanoff is the owner of a small consulting firm. He served as a commissioned officer in the United State Marines in the early ‘70’s, and continues to spit shine his civilian shoes. Semper Fi.

Also by Perry Shimanoff

Schustermeyer- My Senior Year
Schustermeyer's Mother
Schustermeyer and the Maintenance Department
Schustermeyer and Freyja
Schustermeyer and Freyja: 2019