Dreaming of a White Christmas

by Sarah Sebring Binder


Book Details

If you believe, it can happen - with a little help.

According to Grandma, it’s always a white Christmas at the cabin. And that has been Michael’s experience for the last eight years. This year, there’s no snow and the forecast does not look promising. Grandma is sure it will snow. And Michael wants to believe it will, but just in case Michael has a plan - a backup plan. Grandpa knows all about it. They’ve been working in the garage. Together the two of them plan to make some magic. Some years it takes a lot of imagination, a little bit of ingenuity, and some hard work. With a little help from Grandpa - it can happen. Be a believer like Grandma, Grandpa and Michael.


About the Author

Sarah Sebring Binder

Sarah Sebring Binder has been an educator for more than 40 years. She shared her love of reading, writing and storytelling with her students. She continues to play with children in Caterpillar Club and Plant Pals. When she is not writing, she loves to garden, dance, fiddle, travel and quilt.

Also by Sarah Sebring Binder

More Stories from My Neck of the Woods
Pete the Parakeet
Pack Rat’s Lost and Found
Kitty S. Hawk
Crocodile on the Banks of the Mara River


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