Fruit of the Spirit

What kind of fruit are you bearing?

by Paula Flournoy

Fruit of the Spirit

Fruit of the Spirit

What kind of fruit are you bearing?

by Paula Flournoy

Published Mar 29, 2019
48 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Christian Living / Inspirational


Book Details

Choose the fruit of the Spirit

We are all faced with some kind of trial at some point in our lives. The question is; how do we deal with it? When someone challenge your love walk, how do you react? Do you have patience? Are you longsuffering? This book is designed to encourage you to keep walking in the fruit of the Spirit even though you are challenged. God is with you to help you through every situation. Remember, you are an overcomer because the greater one lives on the inside of you. So choose to walk in the fruit of the Spirit, and you will benefit from the blessings of God in your life.


About the Author

Paula Flournoy

Paula Flournoy is a native of Stamps, Arkansas. She encourages others through her writing to always have faith in God, and trust in his word in every trial you encounter in life.

Also by Paula Flournoy

Poems Purposed by God Sending a Message of Inspiration