Book Details

How do you judge the world events?

Is everything fate or is there another hand meddling in everyone’s lives. Some people blame God for the misfortunes they may experience but He doesn’t make things happen to you....if there is a lesson to be learned, He may let it happen and trust that something good will come out of it and you learn from the message. But how can Don and Beth and Libby and Kyle and all the others suffering through these events trust that something good will come out of their experiences? Whose hand is it in? How can you ever prepare for these things? And whoever said, “don’t believe everything you hear and only half of what you see.” Not in this case. Don and Beth just want a normal life and to be happy and raise a family. It’s a good thing that they love each other in a way most people don’t because sometimes it can be a life or death situation that will be the deal breaker and if you love with the intensity that these two do, who knows what length you would go to save that one person. And just how many times can you pick up the pieces and start over? Billy bang bang and Mr. Jingles know the true meaning of survival. A war veteran and a homeless bum who have slipped through the cracks of society were fortunate enough to have found each other giving each one a purpose and meaning to the life they were now dealt with. Misery loves company. Stay away from the seer.... she is evil they say. You’ll be cursed if you mingle with this one. She knows everything and she will trip you up if she can. Just run her out of town.... that’s how we’ll deal with her. Beth’s older brother Josh is a corporate lawyer who owns his own office and has many people working under him. He has let his money go to his head and has spread his egotistical ways on to his wife and children creating themselves as one of the most unliked families in their hometown. But money or not they still have their own disgusting dirty little secrets. Maybe we all have dirty little secrets.


About the Author

Phyllis Brooks

Phyllis Brooks resides in a small town called Galway, New York. She is a widow and is 70 years old. She has experienced quite a lot of things in her 70 years and her last merry go round ride is coming to a close. She says that everyone has their very own personal merry go round and we ride it for a while and then we get off of it for a spell but then mysteriously some driven force always persuades us to hop back on and give it another try. Sometimes if we’re lucky, maybe our first ride will be so pleasant that we stay on it until the ride comes to the end of its cycle, but on the other hand some rides make us dizzy and nauseous and we have to find a way to jump off to regain our senses and equilibrium. But in the end we usually take that last ride that defines us and when we get off for the last time, we can only hope that we leave an impact of love and kindness and fond memories.

Also by Phyllis Brooks
