Journey to the Blue Planet: Book I

by C.E. Haupt


Book Details

Would you object if you found out you were not who you always thought you were and your world was not as you had always understood? Would you also be amazed and fearful at the same time if you gathered evidence that there were many others here on your own home planet who had a hand in making this their home as it is instead of what it might have been? These are questions asked by all those who want a world that is the best it could be and not the worst that can affect humanity as a whole.

Two opposing factions, warring silently and without notice, fearful of discovery as technology improves, may have their secrets literally unearthed that could be for the betterment of man or his downfall as well as theirs. But are they really unnoticed and working in secret? Who is to help and who is to hinder? Traveling all over several continents and unearthing those secrets can be dangerous, even deadly. Keeping families safe and loved ones protected will be a daunting task as those who are determined to stop them at all costs will go to any lengths to control and obtain all those secrets collected over time. Who to trust and who to avoid becomes more and more difficult the more people become aware of these 'other families' existing here on our earth from so long ago.


About the Author

C.E. Haupt

C.E. Haupt has been a devotee of Science Fiction since childhood from a dad who immersed himself in it. Being an educator for 37 years, teaching Science as well as History and Language imparted a love of Fiction and Reality. Always questioning, always encouraging students to expand their horizons and dream what is possible and impossible has been a lifelong goal and a road to storytelling of the real and the supposed, the mysteries still unknown and the amazing finds still being uncovered. Baltimore Md. Pgh. Pa. and Washington DC have been the stomping grounds for growing up as well as a few side trips to Europe and other haunts where education is learned by living, meeting and experiencing people from many and varied walks of life and thought. A BA in Language and Masters of Education were stepping stones to writing and creating poetry, short stories and research articles that opened the door to all the 'what ifs' that can exist in our minds when we allow them in. Here is just one of those 'what ifs'. Hopefully, it's not the last. Let the stars align.

Also by C.E. Haupt

Alternate Routes
Align the Stars
Align the Stars_eBook