Reflections of a Black Man

by Curtis E. Campbell, Sr.

Reflections of a Black Man

Reflections of a Black Man

by Curtis E. Campbell, Sr.

Published Oct 05, 2006
116 Pages
Genre: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs


Book Details

Reflections of a Black Man is a story of a boy named Chris who grows up to be a respectable man. Through his growth, he encounters various obstacles that will either break him or make him a stronger person. Chris learns that manhood and respectability is not a right that is given, but it is something that he has to earn through sweat, tears, and hard work. During his journeys through life to find himself, Chris ends up in several life changing binds that only he can resolve. In the end, family, prayer, and lessons learned will ultimately see him through.


Book Excerpt

My mother and I lived with my grandma Baybe, my aunt Julie, and her children. The summers were extra hot because we did not have any air conditioning and the winter was extra cold because the tiny 500 foot square board house did not have any insulation. Since there was no indoor plumbing, we would bathe in a big tin tub on the outside during the summer and boil water to add with the cold water in the winter. No one complained and all of us were as happy as children could possibly be. The air was pure and there were no additives or preservatives in the foods we ate.


About the Author

Curtis E. Campbell, Sr.

Curtis E. Campbell, Sr. is a native of Seabrook, S.C. and is currently an Information System Technician Senior Chief in the United States Navy. During his 22 years of Military Service, he has traveled worldwide giving both humanitarian aid and fighting the Global War On Terrorism. Reflections of a black man is the first in a series of recent pursuits, with work progressing quickly on the follow-up.

Also by Curtis E. Campbell, Sr.

Healing the Internal Wounds