Richard Battle has more than 40 years of award-winning experience in sales, executive management and leadership in selling disruptive technology in B2B markets. He has developed and implemented sales training utilizing the coaching method for more than 30 years that significantly increased the success of his organizations. Richard lives in Lakeway, Texas.
The Master’s Sales Secrets
44 Strategies for Sensational Sales Success
by Richard V. Battle

The Master’s Sales Secrets
44 Strategies for Sensational Sales Success
by Richard V. Battle
Published Jun 11, 2018
221 Pages
Genre: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Sales & Selling / General
Book Details
Differentiate Yourself from Your Competitors for Greater Sales Success!
The Master’s Sales Secrets is a must-read for anyone on the path of becoming a sales professional. It contains 44 concise strategies with specific steps to increase your sales success regardless of your experience. Each strategy independently provides valuable ideas that can be implemented immediately by the reader. It is an easy-to-read practical guide that includes entertaining anecdotes from personal experience, which reinforce the strategies. Richard Battle has expertly captured the practical nuances of professional selling. Anyone who serves in a formal sales role will find useful ideas in his book. It is a fast read and will resonate with every person who has made ever made a personal sales call. The ideas are straightforward, insightful, logical and clear. – William J. White, Business executive, author of From Day One and professor.
When your competitor of many years (we sold against each other early in our mutual careers) becomes a great friend for a lifetime it is because you admire and respect his leadership, wisdom, integrity and most importantly his selling skills. In “The Master’s Sales Secrets” Richards shares his most valuable insights as one of the best salesman in the country that also made him the toughest competitor I’ve ever encountered. After decades of sales leadership he has “seen it all” and captures some of his greatest advice about how (and how not) to work with clients, close your deals and achieve your dreams. – John Upham, Executive Vice President.