Honor to State

Reflections of a Reagan-Bush Era Ambassador

by Everett Ellis Briggs


Book Details

An Insider’s Account of Diplomacy in the Age of Reagan-Bush

With his accustomed candor, insight, and humor, Everett (Ted) Briggs recounts his days as President Ronald Reagan’s ambassador to Panama in the time of Noriega, and to Honduras when it was the center of the Central American crisis pitting US-backed contras against Nicaragua’s Sandinistas. As a reward for surviving these two assignments—and despite serious kibitzing by members of Congress hostile to the Reagan Doctrine for Central America—President George H. W. Bush picked Briggs to be his senior adviser for Latin America at the National Security Council and then as chief of mission in Portugal, Briggs’s dessert post.


About the Author

Everett Ellis Briggs

Everett Ellis (Ted) Briggs, served for thirty-seven years as a commissioned United States Foreign Service Officer. He and his family were posted to eight countries on three continents. Following his retirement from government, for five years he was president and CEO of the Americas Society and its business affiliate, the Council of the Americas. Ted and Sally Briggs divide their time between Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, and Washington County, Maine.

Also by Everett Ellis Briggs

Ambassador’s Apprentice