Paper Airplanes and Serial Lovers

The Making of a Poet

by p.a. delorenzi


Book Details

War, wanderlust and prison...... It Takes a Lifetime to Make a Poet

Every life has a unique journey; some life paths are bril-liantly illuminated by explosions of insight sparked by war, wanderlust, prison, and pain…as well as love, joy, cele-bration, and delight. Paper Airplanes and Serial Lovers shows you the bleeding and beating heart of one man, whose personal experience becomes yours as you see the world through his eyes and speak his words aloud with your own voice. From the failings of government to the frailties of mankind, from the brutal forces of nature to people’s deliberate cruelty to one another, from child-hood memories to adult revelation, this confrontational, exhilarating book will challenge you to see life from a broader and deeper perspective.


About the Author

p.a. delorenzi

Peter DeLorenzi lives, works and writes on San Juan Island, Washington. Peter is a Marine Corps vet of the Vietnam War. He has spent most of the past thirty years painting houses he could never afford, loving women he could never have nor keep, and doing his best to be a good "human being".

Also by p.a. delorenzi

White Wolf & The Bear