Chances, Choices, and Changes

A Memoir About Taking Responsibility and Self-Determination

by Stephen C. P. Green

Chances, Choices, and Changes

Chances, Choices, and Changes

A Memoir About Taking Responsibility and Self-Determination

by Stephen C. P. Green

Published Sep 30, 2016
75 Pages
Genre: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs


Book Details

Today is your Chance to Choose to Change!

Today is your chance to make a choice to make a change or stay the same. Everyday chances are given or taken in life. With those chances, we all must make choices that will bring changes in our lives, or cause our lives to remain the same. If you want to make a change today, the choice is yours. Take a chance and see how wonderful your life can be!


About the Author

Stephen C. P. Green

Stephen C.P. Green is an elementary school teacher in Los Angeles, California, with over twenty years of experience. He earned his Master’s Degree in Cross Cultural Teaching from National University and his Bachelor’s Degree in Communications from Howard University. His passion is helping others to recognize and maximize their full potential in life, each amazing day at a time.

Also by Stephen C. P. Green

LIFE - The Best Teacher Ever