Book Details

Receive answers to questions that disturb everyone in today’s ever-increasing troubled world.

In this intriguing story, a learned Professor provides factual, clear, Biblical answers to Princess Audrey’s three troubling questions: How can I know that what I read in the Bible is reliable and true? How can I know that Jesus is really God? If God exists, why are there so many sick people, abandoned children, suffering, and pain? Then, at the end of the story, Princess Audrey is caught off guard and receives a surprise and so will you!


About the Author

Carolyn Hayes

About the Author: Carolyn Hayes has been studying the Bible for twenty years, has a Master’s Degree in Children’s Literature, and is an avid reader. This combination affords Carolyn Hayes the ability to embed Biblical facts into well-written, intriguing stories. This is Carolyn Hayes’ second published book. Visit Carolyn Hayes’ website,, to see and hear more about her. About the Illustrator: Angelo is currently studying at Caldwell University and will graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts in May 2019. Angelo’s talents have given him the opportunity to work in the field of art and design in both New York and New Jersey as a Freelance Art Designer using many types of art media and techniques.

Also by Carolyn Hayes

Where Are You, Feinstein?
Perhaps You Were Born for Just Such a Time as This
Saint Peter Trumped It!


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