The Woman at the Well

by Sandra Thompson


Book Details

Step Out of the Darkness

If you have been beaten down by life; either by your own choices or by the actions of others, know that you are worthy of love and forgiveness. If you have not experienced true love and acceptance it is unfamiliar and elusive. I, like you, struggled for many years searching for something I knew nothing about. Guilt and shame of the choices I made consumed me and left me feeling that I was not worthy of being loved by anyone, and certainly not by God. Walk with me through my journey and experience how I found a life fulfilled in His love. You too can find the peace and happiness that comes from living a life fulfilled in God’s love.


About the Author

Sandra Thompson

Over the years Sandra has discovered many things about herself as she journeys to find a closer relationship with Christ. She has not always walked on the right path or felt worthy of God’s love and forgiveness. This book was written with the intent of helping others to see their beauty and like Sandra, find God’s loving embrace.

Also by Sandra Thompson

Joe's Clothes