An End of Speaking

Stories of the Bible

by Zac Walsh


Book Details

An End of Speaking, Stories of the Bible by Zac Walsh

Take a postmodern mind with a believer’s heart ripped apart by doubt and travail, the skepticism of our times, and you have the ingredients for a fine collection of stories reimagining biblical figures and the grand topography of our ancient spiritual landscape. Zac Walsh is doing us all a spectacular favor—making it fresh, making it interesting, making it squirm on the cross, our inherited Christian mindset rooted in the bible. But more importantly, he’s just a damn good storyteller. You’ll love these tales lifted from the Bible and made new and relevant. —Stephen D. Gutierrez, American Book Award winner, author of The Mexican Man in His Backyard, Stories & Essays An End of Speaking, the first book of short stories out by Zac Walsh, is nine separate biblical retellings—or more accurately, first tellings—of stories where the Bible leaves off. What did Moses think when Yahweh left him outside the promise? What happened to Cain in Nod? How hard was it to be in Jesus’ head? And six others.


About the Author

Zac Walsh

Zac Walsh holds a BA in Philosophy and Theology and a MA in Literature. He is the former Editor at Large of the Arroyo Literary Review and winner of the R.V. Williams Prize for Fiction. His work has been published by The Platte Valley Review, Cimarron Review, Alligator Juniper, The Oklahoma Review, Gulf Stream, Big Lucks, Specter Magazine, The Whistling Fire, Snail Mail Review, The DuPage Valley Review, Unmanned Press, South Florida Arts, Ontologica, Limehawk, InScape, LIGHT/DARK, Two Cups Press and in the anthology Blood on the Floor, among others. He teaches Literature and Philosophy whenever he is allowed.

Also by Zac Walsh

Love in the Utmost