The Divine Experiment Continues:The United States Constitution

by Karen Palumbo

The Divine Experiment Continues:The United States Constitution

The Divine Experiment Continues:The United States Constitution

by Karen Palumbo

Published May 30, 2015
877 Pages
Genre: HISTORY / United States / Revolutionary Period (1775-1800)


Book Details

Opening your eyes to points of interest you never knew about American History.

Fun facts you never knew about the men and women who sacrificed life, livelihood and family to create a nation, the United States of America, like no other. Creators of the United States Constitution through a twist of fate found they were wanted men. Caught in a dilemma facing time in Debtors prison through no fault of their own, such as Robert Morris II known as the Financier of the American Revolution. Prominent men and their families surviving the unspeakable hardships of war never to recover what they once had. Good men caught in a time when taking to the fields for a duel to settle a dispute or salvage their honor, such as Vice President Aaron Burr, Jr. and Alexander John Hamilton. Yet, living through a transition from being a British colony to living free under their own footing. The creation of a new country like no other where the power remains with We The People.


About the Author

Karen Palumbo

Growing up on Long Island, New York leaves much to the imagination. Surrounded by history in every direction from Dutch Governor Peter Stuyvesant , the Battle of Long Island, Battle of Saratoga where a statue of Benedict Arnold’s boot remains today. Tarrytown, New York where Major John Andre was hung like a common criminal and buried until his family came to retrieve his remains. Trinity Church in Manhattan, to the Montauk Lighthouse commissioned by President George Washington it is no wonder that history has left its mark. During my adult years my husband and I continue to travel around the country from the original thirteen colonies to states west always seeking out historical sites.

Also by Karen Palumbo

The Sons of Liberty
The United States Continental Navy: A Beginning October 13, 1775.
Men of the Maryland 400 (8/27/1776)