From 'Hell to Jail' I Found the Living Water

My Cries From the Pit

by The Rose

From 'Hell to Jail' I Found the Living Water

From 'Hell to Jail' I Found the Living Water

My Cries From the Pit

by The Rose

Published Apr 21, 2015
111 Pages
Genre: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs


Book Details

I was depressed and didn’t know it...The Rose shares her experiences as she walks through the valley of the shadows of death. Salvation was inevitable, but while in the pit, it seemed so far from the truth...The dream and the prophecy that God prepared for her that redeemed her life, her forgotten worth, her will to live, and her chance to experience real agape was in the dream...


Book Excerpt

One morning at about 2:00am, I was awakened, drenching in sweat, I'd had a dream. God was telling me something. He had visited my jail cell. God chastens those that he loves. FEAR-That spirit that petrifies you , you ,misleads you, and even kill you. I'm not talking about the physical body I'm talking about your spirit, your mind, your life. There is even a saying in the streets, and I will give you the soft version... Forget Everything And Run. TODAY... my mentality has changed on that .Face Everything And Recover ..and that's my choice. I didn't try because I was too afraid of what the outcome would be. Failure was all I expected to see until I realized it didn't have to be friends with me.


About the Author

The Rose

The Rose, a native Memphian, mother and servant...refusing to only exist but live...I had to make a choice....hell had enlarged itself!

Also by The Rose

You Are Not Alone - It Happened to Me Too