Poetry From the Heart

A Pathway to Healing and Deliverance

by Julie Cull

Poetry From the Heart

Poetry From the Heart

A Pathway to Healing and Deliverance

by Julie Cull

Published Aug 04, 2015
30 Pages
Genre: POETRY / Subjects & Themes / Inspirational & Religious


Book Details

Use writing as a pathway to your healing and deliverance. Take away the pain and help emotional scars disappear.

Too many times individuals give up on life by either committing suicide or by just losing all faith, hope, and goals. In Jesus Christ there is HOPE. He can save you from the bondage of sin and hopelessness. Telling your story through writing can deliver you from the stronghold of the enemy. God is able. Just let Him.


About the Author

Julie Cull

Ms. Cull became addicted to reading and writing at a young age and wants to encourage others to do the same. She firmly believes in writing as a pathway to healing and deliverance through God. She challenges others to try it. She lives in the Great State of Florida. She has one daughter and a grandson.

Also by Julie Cull
