Gods, Goddesses, and Saints

A Solitary Practice of Chanting and Meditation

by Barbara Carroll

Gods, Goddesses, and Saints

Gods, Goddesses, and Saints

A Solitary Practice of Chanting and Meditation

by Barbara Carroll

Published Dec 15, 2015
552 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Comparative Religion


Book Details

Essential Tools to Develop Your Personal Spiritual Practice

Chanting exists in many religious and spiritual traditions. The practice of chant focuses the mind and body with simple physics of sound, while the choice of chant can reflect a specific need, or honor a tradition. Gods, Goddesses, and Saints is a user-friendly, in-depth guide to a solitary practice of chant and meditation, providing chants from many faiths, from pagan deities to saints from many religions. Beautifully organized in many different ways, this book encourages you to explore the resonance of important figures and their associations and meanings across many traditions. You will also find blank forms to help you create your own chants and meditations. Gods, Goddesses, and Saints provides a fresh view of spiritual practice and new ideas for the future of faith.


About the Author

Barbara Carroll

Barbara is a retired music teacher and physician assistant, with a degree in religion. She lives in New York City.

Also by Barbara Carroll

The Mystery of the Moaning Banshee


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