Nature's Greenhouse

Ominous Developments

by Alex Cook and J. George

Nature's Greenhouse

Nature's Greenhouse

Ominous Developments

by Alex Cook and J. George

Published Jan 15, 2015
83 Pages
Genre: SCIENCE / Environmental Science (see also Chemistry / Environmental)


Book Details

Nature’s Greenhouse: Ominous Developments

The authors of Nature’s Greenhouse have perceived a need for our country’s citizenry to more fully appreciate the basic science of this most dangerous environmental threat of global warming and climate change. It is written from an educator’s viewpoint, as a story from the experiences of an atmospheric scientist and a microbiologist. While the vast majority of scientists agree with the reality of climate change and its human causes, the voting public appears reluctant to use that authoritative expertise to insist on a government policy of corrective action. The book builds on the everyday observations of physical surroundings to establish the reality of the atmospheric greenhouse effect and its role in establishment of the unique Earth climate suitable for our existence. The global warming produced by the enhanced greenhouse effect drives the sea level rise, the spread of disease vectors, and disrupts the biology of our support system of plants and animals. In particular, the continued increase of atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide greenhouse gas from burning of fossil fuels will disrupt the stability of our planet’s climate for centuries to come.


About the Author

Alex Cook and J. George

Alex Cook is the pen name of a retired physics professor and atmospheric scientist who is also the author of The Greenhouse Effect – a Legacy, Dog Ear Publishing, 2007, and The Family Guide to Disruptive Climate Change, Outskirts Press, 2010. J. George is Just George, the pen name of a sometime microbiologist, sometime quilt-maker, sometime editor, and sometime chauffeur.

Also by Alex Cook and J. George

Jason and the Grizzly
The Family Guide to Disruptive Climate Change
The Community
Orbatz in the Everglades
The Professor