Your 365-Day Journal of Positive Affirmations & Commitments

by Dr. Kenneth Morton


Book Details


Each of us has an enormous amount of information to process on a regular basis. Often, it may appear impossible to keep pace with all that we care about. We pour countless hours and effort into helping others and improving myriad situations that surround us. Regardless of whether our intent is to improve the world through our touchpoints or to improve ourselves, our plan and our routines are invaluable elements in our success equation. What we affirm, then reinforce through our actions is a powerful change catalyst in our lives. The concepts that we commit to fulfilling are equally powerful in the transformation from our now to our next.

Throughout Your 365-Day Journal of Positive Affirmations & Commitments, Dr. Kenneth Morton serves as your personal tour guide and provides you with your success plan. He lays out a simple framework for consistent growth and progress. Dr. Morton challenges you to achieve growth daily, while creating your personalized resource for future growth and success. Others may own a journal that is identical to yours from the outside, however no other will contain notes and observations as only you will uniquely capture.

Leverage this journal as a tool to unleash personal power through your daily positive affirmations and commitments. Follow Dr. Morton’s prescription daily and get ready for your transformation. The time to take this essential step in your journey towards personal advancement begins now!


About the Author

Dr. Kenneth Morton

Dr. Kenneth Morton is an accomplished business leader, author, entrepreneur, public speaker, business instructor, coach and mentor. He is CEO of Infinity Leadership Consulting, LLC which was founded to fulfill his passion and purpose to inspire and empower people and organizations with strategies and solutions for maximum leadership impact. He gained extensive leadership experience from critical roles at several Fortune 500 companies and continues to immerse himself in helping others through coaching and mentoring.

Dr. Morton serves his community though active engagement with several organizations. He earned a bachelor’s in finance, a master’s in management, and a doctorate in business with a concentration in leadership. He is an advanced Toastmaster, successfully completed the Certified Executive Coaching Program through Dream Builders Communication, Inc. and the Speaker-Author-Blueprint Program through Success by Choice, Inc. Dr. Morton resides with his family in the Charlotte, North Carolina area.

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Also by Dr. Kenneth Morton

Defined by Attitude
The Positive Leader: Reflections & Motivations