Alpha Blue

Operating Manual for Young Men

by Bruce Hansen


Book Details

What Choices Would You Make if You Had a Portal to See Your Future?

Look up into the sky—how many eagles do you see? Chances are, you won’t see any…or if you do, they will be soaring so high that you can’t see them or recognize them as eagles. There are eagles among humans, too—they are the people who soar to the pinnacles of achievement. Since we know that attitude determines altitude, if you want to soar, the most important thing is to aspire to higher attitudes! You learn to soar by learning from other eagles, so don’t hang out with those who are afraid of heights and reality…especially the ones whose only “highs” come from drugs and alcohol. They’ll only teach you how to hide like a rodent! Eagles have the best sight in the animal kingdom. It takes vision to know where you want to go and how to get there. You want to aspire to the vision of the eagle. While some people are like rodents, others are like pigeons: they can fly, but not very far, and they feel more comfortable staying with a flock. It’s always crowded among pigeons, and they fight for every scrap. Eagles can get what they need with little or no competition. Pigeons aren’t afraid to fly, but they are afraid of higher altitudes. Eagles have no animosity toward rodents and pigeons—but the rodents and pigeons all agree that eagles are bad. Eagles don’t care what rodents and pigeons think of them, though—they are confident and comfortable with who they are. Human rodents and pigeons forget that they had a choice, and they chose not to be eagles. Do you want to soar with the eagles? Then this motivational book, grounded in the author’s real-life experiences and achievements, is the guide for you.


About the Author

Bruce Hansen

Bruce Hansen was born in 1947. He served six years in the US Navy, and graduated from the University of Washington at the top of his class. He risked his fortune and management career to develop and master the field of motivational speaking. He developed a time management training system, as well as a published time management book. He started a results consultant firm and coached many individuals and businesses to increased success. He retired from those endeavors and started a new career as a real estate agent, which he did successfully until he retired a second time. Bruce is now embarking on his next career, as an author. Alpha Blue is his debut book; his historical novel Art of Deception has yet to be published. Bruce has two sons, twenty-three years apart in age. His successes and failures at raising his sons inspired him to write this motivational guide for young men.

Also by Bruce Hansen

Art of Deception