Silencing Our Imposter

Hearing Our Heart Beyond the Noise

by Jim May

Silencing Our Imposter

Silencing Our Imposter

Hearing Our Heart Beyond the Noise

by Jim May

Published Oct 17, 2013
88 Pages
Genre: SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Self-Esteem


Book Details

Why are we committing slow suicide by believing destructive lies about ourselves? Dashing our dreams, Hindering achievement in school, Keeping us from success in our careers, Making us quietly discontent with life. What if the person we are trying to kill is not really us? What if the person we are trying to kill is already dead? What if these lies are coming from an Imposter created from past hurt and pain? What if it is possible to silence the lies of this Imposter? What if we are able to hear our True Self beyond the noise and, Find that we are a unique and special person worth saving, With a unique place in life and history, With a purpose that fits our interests, And what if our dreams could be revived? By personal experience, Jim May has seen it happen, and shares with humor, and clarity. It is not a long complicated journey, but a simple victory of truth over lies. If you are interested, read on…


About the Author

Jim May

Jim May is the senior research writer for Rachel’s Challenge, author of seven books, speaker and teacher living in Lakewood, Colorado with his wife Maureen. His books and articles can be reviewed at

Also by Jim May

Light in the Fog
Above All else Get Wisdom
Black Ice
Learning at His Place
Death by Deceit