Combat With Pirates

The Adventures of Admiral Napoleon and the Independent Fleet

by Harold J. Hovel


Book Details

Devilry and Daring on the High Seas

It was the Golden Age of Piracy, with killers and cutthroats by the hundreds, a time when some of the most evil pirates in history lived, plundered, and murdered in the late 1600s. In Combat with Pirates, these marauders find their nemesis in a small dog named Napoleon, who starts from nothing to build an invincible navy manned by a crew of men and women, Africans and Indians, dogs, cats, chimpanzees, gorillas, bears, jaguars, eagles, whales, sharks, and dolphins. From the capture of a single pirate ship, they build the Independent Fleet, which sails the world's oceans, fighting evil where they find it. Their travels put them into conflict with pirates, the forces of slavery, the evils of whaling, the cruelty of animal fighting, the Spanish Inquisition, and outlaws on land and sea who commit torture and murder. Combat with Pirates is a swashbuckling story of hand-to-hand (and hand-to-paw) combat, battles between single warships, between squadrons, and between entire fleets—a navy of people and animals acting together in total harmony and purpose. Along the way, love stories unfold, and our crew encounters spies, traitors, and undercover agents. Earthquakes, tsunamis, and ocean storms add to the danger, and rip-roaring action fills the life and times of Admiral Napoleon and the Independent Fleet. Heroes come in all shapes, sizes, genders, and species—and you will find them all in this memorable and adventurous novel!


About the Author

Harold J. Hovel

About the Author: Harold Hovel, a lifelong student of naval history, combines a love and admiration for animals with years of historical research to produce a unique combination: a naval force of humans and animals working together to defeat evil on the high seas. Harold lives with his wife, Andrea, and numerous cats and dogs (heroes of future volumes) in Katonah, New York.

Also by Harold J. Hovel

Helping Animals Means Helping People