Tom Couser has worked with teens and young adults for over forty years. He has experience as a director of Christian education, youth director, high school counselor and coach. In retirement, he continues to speak to parent and senior adult groups concerning faith and values. His previous books included Real Men Pray and Parenting Without Guilt. He and his wife Barbara live in Dallas, Texas. They have three adult children and three grandsons.
Passing the Torch
Sharing Faith & Values with the Millennial Generation
by Tom Couser

Passing the Torch
Sharing Faith & Values with the Millennial Generation
by Tom Couser
Published Apr 11, 2013
107 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Christian Theology / Ethics
Book Details
Passing The Torch
Our world is changing. Values have shifted and mainline Christian denominations are seeing a decline in membership, especially among young adults. Millennials, those who were born between 1984 and 2002, have a lifestyle and perspective that is very different from previous generations. It’s easy for adults, especially older adults to feel helpless when it comes to impacting the lives of teens and young adults. Tom Couser offers insights into the world of millennials, especially when it comes to their faith perspective. He offers practical ideas on how we can begin to make an impact on millennials. God’s desire is that we pass the torch of faith and values. The time to begin is now. Passing the Torch also contains a study guide that can be used for personal or group discussion.