Co-Creating a Brilliant Relationship

A Journey of Deepening Connection, Meaning, and Joy

by David A. Yeats

Co-Creating a Brilliant Relationship

Co-Creating a Brilliant Relationship

A Journey of Deepening Connection, Meaning, and Joy

by David A. Yeats

Published Nov 22, 2013
357 Pages
Genre: FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Interpersonal Relations


Book Details

Join together in a journey to a loving, brilliant relationship!

What has been written here is a great key to a satisfying and conscious life. This book proposes a path to creating and co-creating together a brilliant relationship - one that offers the rewards of deep connection and love, wise intention, rich meaning, and immense joy. Who knew that there might actually be a well defined path to these riches? It's a path that we shape and author as we care for ourselves and for our partner, and as we intuitively discover and nurture the core goodness of our own being. We'll describe stages of relationship and the stages of self that we humans might grow toward, and we'll introduce a relationship model designed to mend past wounds so we might co-create a deliberate and rewarding life together now. We will also explore ways we might deepen our personal relationship and awareness with ourselves - an awareness that goes beyond our culture to an interior world few of us have been introduced to - a grounded, calm, and centered awareness that, in time, circles its way back to enhance our partnership and enrich all of our relationships. From this quieter point of view, we may come to discover a deeper sense of the possibilities for connection, meaning, and joy that our life relationships have to offer - the most fantastic journey of all time.


Book Excerpt

So a significant part of our individual work needs to be in the service of self-love and self-care, and in rewriting old dysfunctional and damaging scripts. When we get to the place where we hold a general and genuine appreciation of ourselves that is fairly constant, we can begin to hold our partner in the same regard. When we recognize that judging, critiquing, or trying to "teach" or "help" our partner is in fact unhelpful, or that misguided efforts to control our partner's choices, behavior, attitudes, thoughts, values, and feelings can all be dishonoring, we may begin to more intentionally and deliberately hold an attitude of unconditional acceptance toward our partner, allowing (and even celebrating) our partner to be whoever and however she or he desires.


About the Author

David A. Yeats

David A. Yeats, L.C.S.W., has been a practicing psychotherapist in Boulder Colorado for 28 years, and is married with five adult children. He has seen that the common denominator for virtually every client or couple, indeed, for all of us, is the quality of our relationships - with partners, with ourselves, and with the world at large. And so the focus of his clinical work has been to assist clients with answering the question: "How can I better my relationships, and therefore better my life?" This book suggests a clear, accessible, and powerfully rewarding answer to that question.

Also by David A. Yeats

A Universe Full of Magical Things


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