Copycat Love

Not a Romance Novel

by David Carlyle


Book Details

Everett Weston is a no-good troublemaker. A worthless has-been at the age of eighteen. He is continually in trouble at school and provokes his mother and father often. When he runs away from home and hitches a ride with a man named Slim, he finds himself in Jupiter—a small town with a big heart. Eventually he lands a job and marries a lovely woman. But Everett is not able to fully appreciate his life and is not always a pleasant man to be around—and when his son is born, it appears that Dan will follow in his father’s selfish footsteps. Either fate or coincidence leads Dan to Maggie, a wonderful woman who is determined to steer her husband away from his father’s patterns and turn him into a true blessing to the people of Jupiter.


Book Excerpt

When Slim walked behind the gas station to use the outhouse, Everett cranked the car, slid into the driver's seat, and put a smirk on his face. Slim scowled when he returned and noticed Everett behind the wheel. "Get in the other side. This isn't your car." Everett moved to the other seat and snarled, "It isn't your car either. Why do you care?" "Do your parents know where you are? I don't want to help a runaway child." "You think I'm a child?" "Are you? Where you wanta go in California?"


About the Author

David Carlyle

David Carlyle was born in rural Johnson County, Missouri, graduated from MU in Columbia with a BS in chemical engineering, then from ISU in Ames with a PhD in chemistry. He later taught at Odessa High School in Missouri and operated the family farm in Johnson County.

Also by David Carlyle

Another Land
Another Form