Entrepreneurial Annie and I

How my wife and I put a little spare time, a lot of hard work and one motel into making a million dollars

by Douglas Richie

Entrepreneurial Annie and I

Entrepreneurial Annie and I

How my wife and I put a little spare time, a lot of hard work and one motel into making a million dollars

by Douglas Richie

Published Oct 29, 2013
199 Pages
Genre: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs


Book Details

Why would a couple with six children decide to manage a number of income properties that would require them to devote most if not all of their spare time—in addition to their full-time jobs? This is the story of a couple who wanted more for their children than their low-paying jobs could provide. It’s the story of the challenges and the rewards they experienced owning and managing income properties for over 40 years—which ultimately resulted in a financial success they never dreamed possible. When Doug and Annie Richie decided to supplement their income by managing a run-down motel in Palm Springs, the project quickly became a family activity. They took on the challenge of learning to become innkeepers and drove 111 miles from Long Beach to Palm Springs nearly every weekend for ten years. Without the support of their children, the success they achieved would not have been possible. The Richies’ story is entertaining, inspirational, and educational—a testament to the power of determination, hard work, and family values.


About the Author

Douglas Richie

Douglas Richie is native of New York State who has lived in Philadelphia and Long Beach, California. He now resides in Carlsbad, California, with his wife and business partner of sixty-four years. Doug is also the author of My Annie, the story of Annie’s life.

Also by Douglas Richie

My Annie
The Restless Richies
Life in the Old Folks Home
Elisha Roberts Richie