Mrs. Francine Lewis is a born again believer with over two decades of serving her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, since the tender age of 11. She has seen the good, the bad, and went through the ups and the downs. She has seen, and went through it all. However, because of her strong faith in her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, she was able to persevere and overcome. She is currently a Registered Nurse by Profession, a wife by love, vow and commitment, and a mother by duty. Though undergoing all of these roles, at the center of her heart is to engage in ministry for her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, fulfilling the commitment of the Great mandate, holding on and ever clinging to his unchanging hands. Her greatest desire and the strongest passion of her heart is to win souls for the Lord, while taking pleasure in being a great source of help and inspiration to all. This book serves as another source of her inspirational writings. Read, enjoy and meditate upon it. Use it as a tool to draw your heart closer to God. For He seek a heart that is all of Him and less of self.
A Heart After God's Own Heart
Fashioned After His Image. Walking in His Footsteps.
by Francine Lewis, RN, BSN
A Heart After God's Own Heart
Fashioned After His Image. Walking in His Footsteps.
by Francine Lewis, RN, BSN
Published Jun 11, 2012
64 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Christian Living / General
Book Details
Oh To Have a Heart Like His! Walking in His Footprints! Guided by His Love!
For God is not concerned with our outside appearances, for our outside appearances are temporary. However, God delights in our heart, for out of the heart proceed our desires and emotions. If we keep God in our heart, then He is close to our entire being, for the heart is the main organ of the body where the control center lies. Therefore if God is in our heart, then He will be the one in control of our entire body, soul and spirit. For out of one’s heart one’s mouth speaks. The desire of God’s heart is for his people to have a heart that is souled out after him. Christians ought to fear God and depart from evil and every appearances of immorality. For the father seeks a heart to worship Him that is pure and holy.