Lionel L. Nowell III is a successful business executive. Over the past 30 years he has passionately mentored, and assisted, numerous people as they pursued, and achieved, their dreams, goals, and ambitions. “You Are Better Than Your Best” is a compilation of experiences and knowledge that Lionel has acquired over the years, and in this book he shares that wisdom, and unravels the mystery of attaining success. Lionel is a requested speaker at conferences and seminars, has contributed to many books and publications, and currently serves as a director on several public company boards. Lionel and his wife, Denise, have four grown children and make their home in Cos Cob, Connecticut.
You Are Better Than Your Best
The Secrets to Achieving a Successful and Happy Life... It All Starts with You
by Lionel L. Nowell III
You Are Better Than Your Best
The Secrets to Achieving a Successful and Happy Life... It All Starts with You
by Lionel L. Nowell III
Published May 21, 2012
133 Pages
Genre: SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Success
Book Details
Life is Simple, People Make it Complicated
Have you ever wondered why some individuals achieve tremendous success in life, and are happy? While other people put forth great effort, and still fail to maximize their talents, or reach their full potential. Do you aspire to do better, be better, and achieve more in every aspect of your life? If so, this book is definitely for you! By reading “You Are Better Than Your Best” you will discover the knowledge, traits, and principles that are necessary to be successful and happy. In the process you will be meticulously guided through some proven techniques that will provide insights into enjoying a more complete and fulfilled life. While many books have been written, and numerous writers have expounded on the merits of self-help, I believe I am uniquely qualified to write this particular book. Among other things, like many of you I have faced adversity, I know how it feels to be languishing in life, unsure of which way to turn, what to do, or who to go to for support. I understand what desiring more than you have today feels like. And, I have experienced having dreams, and aspirations, that were bigger than what other people thought would be possible, or appropriate, for me. The truth is you do not pursue success and happiness you create it. This book describes how a successful, happy, and meaningful life is attainable by anyone who possesses the three D’s - Desire, Determination, and Dedication. Stop procrastinating, and change your ‘cannot’ attitude, into a ‘can do’ attitude. All of your dreams and aspirations are achievable. Set in motion the attributes reflected on the pages in this book, and embark on a fantastic journey that is going to totally transform your life.......... "All" of the author's proceeds from "You Are Better Than Your Best" will be used to help underprivileged kids attend college. Help us help others realize their dreams!
Book Excerpt
SAMPLE TEXT FROM BOOK... Successful people understand that to achieve their goals, they cannot be afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes are part of the process of learning and realizing your goals and objectives. If you do not make any mistakes, chances are you are not pushing yourself to be better than your best. This is not to suggest you have to make all of the mistakes yourself. You can also gain valuable insights and learn from others who have made mistakes, thereby preventing you from having to repeat their misfortunes. One of the contributing factors in people being afraid to make mistakes is that throughout your life, at home, in school, or in the work place, you are frequently warned against making mistakes. People condition you to believe that as long as you are mindful, do tasks slowly and carefully, and learn from the errors of others, there is no need for you to make a mistake. Therefore, when you do make a mistake you fear being criticized for not being diligent enough, not thinking things through, or not listening. As a result of what you have been constantly told you become afraid of making even the smallest mistake, and in the process let other people define for you what you are capable of achieving. Baseball Hall of Famer Ted Williams holds the major-league baseball record for the highest batting average over a complete season. Yet despite his record .406 average, the man who some proclaim to be the greatest baseball hitter who ever lived only got a hit in approximately four out of every ten batting attempts during his record-setting year. The truth is no matter how talented you are, no one has a perfect batting average, or competes at a high level in any aspect of their life, without making a mistake. No matter how smart or talented a person may be, no one is perfect. That is an impossible task, and to always strive for perfection, with the fear of never making a mistake, is an unquestionable way to guarantee failure. Also, all of the time, energy, and effort you put into trying to avoid making mistakes limits your growth, and discourages you from trying new and different things. To be better than your best, you have to reprogram yourself to accept the fact that a mistake is not a failure. A mistake is merely a learning opportunity and a stepping-stone on your path to success.