The Exchange

Mind to Body the Next Evolution

by Dennis P. Busche


Book Details

If given a second chance at life in a different body would you take it? To right the wrongs, erase regret, take advantage of missed opportunities, change careers, study something different in school. How would your next life or the world change if you kept all the memories, knowledge, and experiences of your previous lives? Frank Freiberg experiences all the above feelings as he navigates the world after being exchanged into multiple bodies. The world as we know it is exponentially evolving according to Moore’s law. Some believe “Singularity” or “Intelligence Explosion” could occur as early as 2045. Humans as a species have not had to attempt to understand themselves as much as we will be forced to in a few short years. An evolution of the concept of self could take place within the span of one generation or possibly even sooner. Humans will be compelled to make new moral and ethical decisions about what constitutes the meaning of life. What are the moral implications of living multiple lives in different bodies? Would you live your life differently if you had several different lifetimes? We could no longer assume someone’s age by looking at their bodies biological age. As humans our entire lives are compartmentalized by eras, delineated by expectations of age. The government seeks to regulate its constituents. How would they control the right and freedom to exchange, who would be allowed access to a new technology? How could corruption and greed be stopped, and individuals protected from those who seek to manipulate technology for personal gain? The Exchange is the first of a three part trilogy.


About the Author

Dennis P. Busche

Mr. Busche has academic degrees in Strategic Intelligence, Criminal Justice, Electronics Technology, and is working toward a Doctorate in Strategic Security. His professional career path has been quite diverse, beginning as a 911 dispatcher, then enlisting in the USAF as an Electronics technician on bomber and cargo aircraft. After the military, Mr. Busche returned to law enforcement as a police officer specializing in traffic accident investigation. After several years in policing, he left to start his own forensic traffic accident reconstruction consulting business. He currently works as a pilot for a major airline and flies routes all around the world. After 9/11 he volunteered and became a Federal Flight Deck Officer with the Department of Homeland Security. He holds a private investigator’s license, and held a teaching credential in Police Science, with the state of California. Flying, law enforcement, and writing have always been his passions. He grew up in rural Fort Wayne, Indiana, where his family raised and showed horses. Mountain View, California is where he now lives with his children.

Also by Dennis P. Busche

U.S. Drone Strikes