The Candles' Mystery

by Amanda De Sena


Book Details

There’s a Cure for Everything...

...or so Leot Webber thought...until she met Logan Andrews. You see, Logan had a particularly unique (and ancient) condition that made it impossible for him to lead a normal teenager’s life, so he looked to Leot for help. Can Leot solve the mystery of her new friend’s problem and cure him once and for all? Read her exciting adventure and find out!


About the Author

Amanda De Sena

Amanda De Sena is a twelve-year-old girl who lives on Staten Island, NY. Part of a big, busy family, Amanda has two sisters, a brother, and a Golden Retriever named Gymbo. Her hobbies include kickboxing, watching movies, reading and writing. “The Candles’ Mystery” is Amanda’s first publication, and she hopes to soon add other books to the list.

Also by Amanda De Sena

The Butterfly and The Bunny's Tail
The Love Bug and The Light Of Love
Mrs. Mouse and The Golden Flower
Little Sammy Sunshine and the Frightful Forest