Dr. Roger Fazzone, a certified school psychologist has dedicated forty years to working with students with learning challenges. He has published many articles, created the world renowned Responsibility Increases Self-Esteem (RISE) Program and has remained a stalwart of Maplebrook School.
Where Dreams Come True
A History of Maplebrook School
by Roger A. Fazzone, Ed.D.

Where Dreams Come True
A History of Maplebrook School
by Roger A. Fazzone, Ed.D.
Published Sep 29, 2017
100 Pages
Genre: EDUCATION / History
Book Details
There is no question that boarding schools are very special places. You only have to experience the family-like atmosphere and the commitment of the faculty and staff throughout the school community to understand the dynamic, well-rounded education that happens in a boarding school. For more than 70 years, Maplebrook has been the gold standard for students who learn differently. This book explains the extraordinary journey taken by three women who had the vision and sagacity to begin Maplebrook. This history highlights how the same values, mission and goals began by the founders continue today. Learn about what makes Maplebrook unique, but also how it has become one of the finest boarding schools in the world for students with learning challenges.