Whits Notes

The College Cheat Sheet - A Guide for the College Journey

by Whitney D. Smith

Whits Notes

Whits Notes

The College Cheat Sheet - A Guide for the College Journey

by Whitney D. Smith

Published Oct 04, 2013
182 Pages
Genre: EDUCATION / Administration / General


Book Details

Whitney will make you think, laugh and cry while she becomes transparent and honest in her writing in order for young people to learn from her mistakes, how to deal with pressure, how to cope with loosing close friends while in school, and many other issues like, sex, drugs, alcohol, financial aid, credit card companies and Greek life, just to name a few! Her memoir also includes interviews from others who attended college who wanted to share their experiences through this vehicle. This is also a good read for college graduates who want to take a ride back to their college days and reminisce and laugh about those experiences! “In order for young people to listen to you and know that you are genuine and sincere about their well-being is to keep it REAL & HONEST with them and not sugar coat anything. They can see right through it!” –Whitney D. Smith. Why didn’t you write this book 20 years ago! We are almost the same age and I have to say – you re one wise young woman. You have a great story to share here. Everything about it is nicely done. You have done a great job capturing your memories and committing them to paper along with sharing your wisdom without preaching to your reader. Even though this is a personal narrative, you have written it in a way that many will enjoy and benefit from reading. Your narrative voice is very familiar and friendly – you do an excellent job talking “with” your reader rather than “at” your reader. You have a wonderful way with words. It is obvious that you have done your homework and put much thought and preparation into your work. Your book is well written. I wish more people would take the time to write their stories down like you have. I am sure it will be embraced by many. We can learn so much from reading the stories of other’s lives and experiences. The greatest value in any story, it seems to me, lies in what we can learn about our own lives when we take time to analyze someone else’s. Bravo! Make sure you go market this book to all graduating seniors. They will surely benefit from this wonderful piece. -Lisa Conner Manuscript Review Team Outskirts Press, Inc.


About the Author

Whitney D. Smith

Whitney D. Smith is a very creative and innovative young woman who is passionate about giving back to her community, helping people discover their greatness, transforming their lives and walking into their purpose and destiny. Whitney is a graduate of Lincoln University in Oxford, Pennsylvania, where she acquired her BS in English-Communications. She also has a Masters in Business Administration from Long Island University, in Orangeburg, New York. Whitney shares in her memoir, “Whits Notes, The College Cheat Sheet”(surviving the college life) advice from her personal college experience in order to give high school students some helpful tips to be mentally and morally prepared for the college experience. She also gives guidance to students who are currently attending college.

Also by Whitney D. Smith

Meeting the Authentic You
Don't Drop Out on You!