The Beatles Discography

Volume One - The 60's

by Stephen E. Donnelly


Book Details

A Chronological Guide To Their Music

THE BEATLES DISCOGRAPHY presents the Beatles recorded legacy like never before, with US and UK releases side by side with important releases from Germany, France and more. Plus their solo efforts in the same chronological listings, complete with release dates, record labels & numbers, full track listings with composer and producer credits, recording dates, mix variations and song lengths, all in a compact and easy to understand format, including many rare images of front and back covers, picture sleeves and record labels.


Book Excerpt

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About the Author

Stephen E. Donnelly

Stephen Donnelly is a Writer, Producer and Editor. He resides in a small town in Colorado with his family, a self-described Beatles fanatic; he has spent the better part of the last two decades researching and compiling THE BEATLES DISCOGRAPHY. He is currently working on future volumes.

Also by Stephen E. Donnelly

The Beatles Discography - The Releases


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