Waldorf Education in Practice

Exploring How Children Learn in the Lower Grades

by Else Göttgens

Waldorf Education in Practice

Waldorf Education in Practice

Exploring How Children Learn in the Lower Grades

by Else Göttgens

Published May 17, 2011
149 Pages
Genre: EDUCATION / Teaching / General


Book Details

Exploring How Children Learn in the Lower Grades

Easy to read, matter-of-fact and practical, this book does not offer ready-made lessons, but rather, it guides teachers on how to create their own; how to be successful in the lower grades of a Waldorf classroom.


About the Author

Else Göttgens

Else Göttgens first encountered Waldorf Education at the age of 18. She immediately and passionately espoused the pedagogy and took on her first class of children at the Zeist Steiner School in 1941. Thus began her remarkable career which has influenced countless lives at schools in the Netherlands, the UK and much of the US, including Hawaii. 
A rebel at heart and always reluctant to take anything on authority, Else laughingly admitted that what helped her most in her teaching and mentoring work was the fact that she herself has made so many mistakes along the way. She learned a lot over her 74 year career! Waldorf Education in Practice sums up her experience as a teacher of children as well as a teacher of teachers.

For additional information, visit the author's website: http://www.waldorfinpractice.com (copy & paste in above address bar).

Also by Else Göttgens

Family Tree: Seven Generations
Fifteen Nights