Going Beyond Measure--Intrepidity

A 40-day devotional towards your spiritual transformation, health and growth

by Bernard Warrington, Jr

Going Beyond Measure--Intrepidity

Going Beyond Measure--Intrepidity

A 40-day devotional towards your spiritual transformation, health and growth

by Bernard Warrington, Jr

Published Jun 28, 2009
92 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Devotional


Book Details

Discover the Life-Changing Meaning Behind Key

Scripture that Will Bring You Closer to Christ

It's not always easy finding time to spend alone with God. That's where this book comes in.

Going Beyond Measure -Intrepidity packs a lot into 40 inspiring messages perfect for reading over breakfast, before bed-or whenever the moment strikes you. While touching on some of the Bible's most important passages, these lessons are never stodgy or obtuse.

Author Bernard Warrington Jr. plumbs his personal experience as a front-line Soldier for real-life connections to God's Word that will help you strengthen your prayer life, grow as a Christian and develop a deeper relationship with God. Through the inclusion of powerful scripture and analysis, you'll discover:

- How to get your priorities in order and put God on top of worldly distractions that don't actually matter.

- Seizing spiritual discipline to overcome whatever separates us from salvation.

- Keys to facing life's challenges and let downs.

- How to be secure in Christ's overall mission of Spiritual sustenance to boost your personal drive for success and relationships with those around you.

- Much, much more!

So go ahead-feed on God's Word and transform your spiritual existence with each devotional. Re-energize your dedication to God's message with this life-changing book and put Bible reading where it belongs-on top of your to-do list!


Book Excerpt

Going Beyond Measure<

“II Corinthians 8:3 (KJV) “For to their power, I bear record, yea, and beyond their power they were willing of themselves."

"...Sometime ago, while stationed at the Pentagon, I visited the Medal of Honor Hall and was awestruck by the vast diversity of men displayed there for their heroic acts. Each of those servicemen was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for displaying “… conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty.”As I began to read the citations of the servicemen, they all had one thing in common: these men went “beyond measure” and gave all they had, which was their life, to save others and do their duty. They were willing to freely give the most precious thing at the moment—their life—and in doing so, this act is beyond measure in comparison to those around them, which is intrepidity. Intrepidity as defined by Webster’s Dictionary is “The quality of mind enabling one to face danger or hardship resolutely with no regard.”Spiritually, we should be living our lives just as these men, who have been honored with the Congressional Medal of Honor. We should be going beyond measure in freely and willingly doing the will of God. When we go beyond measure in service to God, we are essentially a living example of the widow in Luke 21:1–4. This widow gave all she had—no reserve for tomorrow in doing the will of God.


About the Author

Bernard Warrington, Jr

Bernard Warrington, Jr. is an ordained minister and Founder/President of Faith to Change (www.faith2change.com), a non-profit organization providing online inspirational messages, counseling, life-coaching, free global inspirational book distribution and college preparatory seminars throughout the United States.

An active duty United States Army Lieutenant Colonel, he has served in numerous operations in Bosnia, Herzegovina and the Middle East. A native of the U.S. Virgin Islands, he lives in Hawaii.

Also by Bernard Warrington, Jr

Facing Challenges, Committing to Change