Le’Taxione has been a member of the Structural Gang Culture© for 33 years, 25 of which were spent active in gang leadership, recruitment and the geographical transmission of the violent, destructive lifestyle and the miscreant aspects of the gang mentality. His actions based on his philosophy of “live or die, Crip or cry” propelled him to the top of the ranks. He brings his years of active gang involvement and leadership in the street organization to this powerful work; providing him the credentials to speak to our youth and to the issues of gang violence prevention and intervention with unique authenticity.
Le’Taxione, a Fresno, California native (known to his brothers & sisters in the gangs as “YoYo”) is a student of the human condition and a specialist in the mentality that causes destructive gang violence. He is a scholar of a wide array of various disciplines, including psychology, sociology, theology and biology. His work is based on the premise that to change the actions, one must change the thought process that drives such action.
Never denouncing the gang, he now utilizes his own life experience to change the structural gang culture© in a productive and sustainable way - “from the inside out”®. His work points the gang member towards a transformation, experienced by Le’Taxione, and possible for all those who suffer from the destructive mentality evident in today’s gangs.
Gangology 101
Nine Steps to Empowerment Process Gang Violence Prevention & Intervention Curriculum (2nd Edition)
by Le'Taxione (AKA YoYo)

Gangology 101
Nine Steps to Empowerment Process Gang Violence Prevention & Intervention Curriculum (2nd Edition)
by Le'Taxione (AKA YoYo)
Published Jan 16, 2009
167 Pages
Genre: SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / General
Book Details
Changing Gang Culture - Reformation Rather Than Eradication
Much has been written about gangs in our society. Though psychologists and social scientists have identified trends and offered clinical terms concerning gang violence, their lack of first hand knowledge of the gang experience has kept them on the periphery of the cause, throwing darts at the effect.
There is no classroom text, research, or data that effectively transfers the violent, traumatic gang experiences and the resulting condition, "Post Traumatic Gang Syndrome"© to the novice-prohibiting the researcher from prescribing an anecdote that will significantly reduce gang violence. N'STEP's® Gangology 101© is a holistic approach which identifies and addresses the psychological and the sociological aspects of the gang violence problem currently prevalent in the Structural Gang Culture©. Together with the companion text, Original Diamond Boy: Psychology of a Gang Banger, it is uniquely effective; engaging our youth and speaking directly to their experience-facilitating reformation and productive change within the gang.
"Our youth are our most precious and valuable natural resource. They are the oil that lubricates the wheels of societal and world change. At a time when the world is focused on the inflated price of crude oil, the crude reality is that there is a systemic depletion of the oil of change which is our youth. We've been out of step for too long, it's time to get "N'STEP"®."
Le'Taxione, Gangologist
Author of Gangology 101 & Original Diamond Boy: Psychology of a Gang Banger
About the companion text Original Diamond Boy: Psychology of a Gang Banger
"A narrative of violent and brutal gang life in both the streets and prison, Original Diamond Boy: Psychology of a Gang Banger is, paradoxically, also a story of healing. Human connections - relationships - are essential for recovery from the trauma caused by violence in the home, on the streets, or resulting from racism and oppression. Le'Taxione was nurtured by the relationships forged with other members of the Diamond Boys, and those relationships made possible his journey toward wholeness. This amazing, unforgettable book illuminates a path toward healing for our children: work to eradicate the violence of gang life, of racism and oppression, but treasure the gang and the relationships between its members."
Barbara Bennett, Ph.D.
School Psychologist and Educational Consultant
Co-founder of First Place School (an independent school in Seattle for children who have experienced trauma due to family and/or community violence, homelessness, poverty, racism and oppression)
Instructor, "The Psychology of Trauma", a University Behind Bars course at Monroe Correctional Complex
Book Excerpt
Gang violence is prevalent across America, reaching epidemic proportions and its growth continues to befuddle society in its attempt to discover answers to the ‘American gang problem’. Various strategies of deterrence have been employed including recreational escapism, legislation, and imprisonment but these tactics have proven ineffective because they do not adequately recognize the societal conditions that create gang members, nor do they effectively address the unique mentality that perpetuates negative and destructive gang behavior.
N’S.T.E.P., (Nine Steps to Empowerment Process) Gangology 101 is a non-traditional approach to gang violence prevention and intervention. It defines a new paradigm for considering and addressing the gang violence issues which so destructively plague our communities. It was created and founded in 2001 by Le’Taxione, one with extensive and real life experience in the structural gang culture©. He also authored “Original Diamond Boy: Psychology of a Gang Banger which is the companion text to Gangology 101. Together, the new paradigm included in the Gangology 101© curriculum and the companion text, Original Diamond Boy: Psychology of a Gang Banger provide a revolutionary solution for those caught up in the destructive aspects of gang activity. It offers an effective approach to identifying why our youth become involved in destructive gang behavior and then equips them with the knowledge to make beneficial personal choices and to help shape a healthier society in their own home communities.
N’STEP’s® Gangology 101 gang violence prevention and intervention curriculum walks the student through 9 critical elements of life and society which affects and is affected by the violent gang mentality. Each step is geared toward enlightening the student on these 9 elements and focuses specifically on how they play themselves out within the gang experience. By considering these elements the student increases his/her understanding of themselves, others and society.
N’STEP’s® does not condone violence, but it also does not require gang denunciation. Rather it recognizes that the key to the gang violence issue lies within the gang member; and that the unity and strength of what we call gangs can actually be a positive entity within our communities. N’STEP’s goal is to help the gang banger to think differently about themselves and about the gang that they have sworn allegiance to. For the gang member, it provides an honorable basis by which to reform it “from the inside out”®.
About the Author