Coming Home To My Heart

Inspirations For Inner Peace

by Donna M. Solitario


Book Details

Inspirations for Inner


Abuse Victim to Survivor

A poetry book with powerful, and empowering messages of faith, hope, love, healing, and inspirations for inner peace.

"Coming Home To My Heart" The author Donna M. Solitario really speaks to her readers through her heartfelt poetry! Her book has an intense compilation of poems. They consist of powerful and empowering messages. The first thirty three poems focus on child abuse. Following a myriad of verse and prose, of motivational and inspirational messages, to encourage: Insight, forgiveness, hope and healing. With an emphasis on topics such as: Nature, adversities, relationships, addictions, recovery, and spirituality.


Book Excerpt

One Child Waits-

A child waits

Endlessy for love

No one comes

Empty is their heart

Lost and starved

For affection and


One child waits-

Grasping Destiny

Take flight leave

Unleash ties

Lightening strikes

Heavy cross bears

Pain disapears

Power of infinity

Overcomes adversity

Cease to overpower


Courage of soul

Stand bold

Power of love


Mountains glory

Reign Victory


About the Author

Donna M. Solitario

Donna M. Solitario is the author of: Embrace the Light, and "A Poets Heart" She is a Poetry Ambassador, and has won several Editor's Choice Awards. Donna is featured in the celebrity book, "Dream Reachers." The author is also listed in Who's Who for Literary Achievement.

Donna taught special education for ten years, and is currently a Substitute Teacher. She enjoys writing articles for the community on topics such as: Bullying, Child Abuse, Elder Abuse, Substance Abuse, and Education. She earned a BS in Human Service, and a Certificate in Special Education. With previous experience being a substance abuse, and domestic abuse counselor.

The author enjoys inspiring others.

Also by Donna M. Solitario

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Outskirts Press, INC.