A complex and disastrous plot against America

by Jim Kenfield



A complex and disastrous plot against America

by Jim Kenfield

Published Mar 17, 2009
507 Pages
Genre: FICTION / General


Book Details

"America faces the most serious threat in its history."

A freak accident with a Chinese shipping container at a west coast port reveals a complex and deadly plot to cripple America with nuclear devices concealed in shipping containers, all controlled by a special satellite. The American President has to handle this threat with military and diplomatic means which could plunge the world into all- out war.

China claims that the plot was devised and executed by a group of renegade Chinese officers. The American President demands that the Chinese government turn over the ones responsible for the plot to face justice in American courts, but China claims that they were supposedly killed in a mysterious airplane crash while trying to flee prosecution. While an American inspection team is trying to verify the Chinese claim, the

American and Chinese officers working together work out a sort of back channel solution.

After the matter is settled the American Colonel goes back to his military duties, but with a new assistant and promotion; the assistant being the Chinese Captain who somehow managed to be included in the American

detachment on the return trip. He is welcomed to America with a Presidential appointment to the United States Air Force Academy as a new cadet where his friend the now Brigadier General attends the welcoming ceremony for new cadets.


Book Excerpt

"What are you doing, searching every address in the whole country?" the Judge asked. "It kind of looks that way your Honor" the bureau man replied. "If were you" the Judge replied, "I wouldn't waste any time on this matter or we will all be sorry."


About the Author

Jim Kenfield

The author is a retired small businessman, a Korean War veteran and an avid reader of such novels. He has written many political letters, mission statements for businesses, and policies and procedures publication.


Author webpage-www.outskirtspress.com/ultimatevictorydenied.

Also by Jim Kenfield