The Black Presence In The Biblical Exodus

The Exodus Revisited

by John D Brinson, M/Div

The Black Presence In The Biblical Exodus

The Black Presence In The Biblical Exodus

The Exodus Revisited

by John D Brinson, M/Div

Published Feb 13, 2008
160 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / History


Book Details



The people in the BIBLICAL EXODUS were a conglomerate of various African people (Egyptians) who worshiped Aten, the new monotheistic God introduced and propagated by the Black Pharaoh Akhenaten during the glorious 18th Dynasty, or Amarna period.

The Exodus from Egypt by the "Children of Israel" was in reality the expulsion of all the African practitioners of the religion of Akhenaten from Akhetaten, the "City of Gold and Light", the "Holy City", which served the same purpose as present day "Mecca", "Vatican", "Jerusalem", etc. This entire Holy City was evacuated of all its citizenry by Pharaoh Tutankamen under the persuasion of the religious leader and power behind the throne, the "Divine Father Aye".


Book Excerpt

"In light of the absence of Egyptian, Babylonian, or Sumerian records, or any historical evidence over against the claims of the biblical tradition of the exodus, we can say that something important must have occurred, but as to what occurred we are in a quandary. We also do not know the source the biblical tradition was really based on. Was it an allegorical or esoteric rendering of a historical reality, or was it a glorified legend told by liberated slaves?

The testimonies of the ancients, the Bible, many Egyptologists, along with Archaeologists and others confirm the Egyptians were Black People during biblical times. This is important to know, and as we continue we will see that the Bible on several occasions records how others viewed, and classified the so-called ancient Hebrews or Children of Israel when addressing, or referring to them as black Egyptians.

It appears, and is supported by a preponderance of evidence that the Hebrew-Israelites, and perhaps some of the so-called Jews have their origin in the Egyptians that currently comprise many of the African ethnic groups today. These Africans are descendants of the indigenous population of ancient Egypt. There is considerably more convincing evidence that indicates the people of the biblical exodus were of African origin (black) than there is to prove their supposed Semitic origin. Their descendants can be found today throughout Africa, with the highest concentration in the peoples who currently populate West Africa. The true Children of Israel were originally black as were the Egyptians which has been demonstrated genetically, historically, linguistically, and logically.

Some of the original Israelites are now represented by the following peoples of Africa: Falasha; Masai; Lemba; Hausa; Ebo; Zulu; Ifiks; Ashanti, and Akan, or Afrim (Nzima-Ewe-Ga-Ahanta-Kwahu-Nzima). These and other African people were the original foundation of the Israelites of the exodus from ancient Egypt, with a later group that was scattered as a result of the Jewish War from Jerusalem. Consequently, both the Egyptians and Israelites were Africans."


About the Author

John D Brinson, M/Div

John D Brinson resides in the San Francisco Bay Area. He completed biblical and theological studies at San Francisco Theological Seminary. He has chosen to utilize the written word to enlighten the minds of his oppressed brothers and sisters in the Mother-Land as well as the Diaspora. The Black Presence In The Biblical Exodus is the fourth in a series of recent pursuits, with work rapidly progressing on the fifth follow-up.

Also by John D Brinson, M/Div

When God Was Black
The Jewish Masquerade
The Black Chaldeans