Ladies of the Bomb Squad

Story Of A Mission Accomplished - Sort Of

by Marcia Allen Bennett


Book Details

Ladies of the Bomb Squad

Meet the ladies of the Bomb Squad: Evie, Bertha, Sally and Melba. In this warm, humorous book a quartet of seniors has adventures and solves mysteries along the way. Marcia Allen Bennett has created a voice for a portion of our society that needs to be listened to. Ladies of the Bomb Squad is the story of four older women who retain the sparkle of youth combined with the wisdom and compassion that only a full life's experience can provide. Unburdened by the usual restraints of career and family, in the sunset years of their lives, these "best best friends in the world" love and laugh with each other, and will make the reader do the same.

Ladies of the Bomb Squad's unusual protagonists show that courage can be found in any age group. When a thief threatens the security of the residents, it's up to the ladies to solve the crime. And when personal tragedy affects one friend, it's the group of friends who rally around to support her. Marcia Allen Bennett has created a delightful and hilarious cast of characters that will make you wish you could have tea with any one of the ladies of the Bomb Squad.


Book Excerpt

Crackling with fury, Evie finished dealing the cards, then slammed her own cards down on the table.
"Let's blow it up!"
"What?" Bertha gasped. "Blow it up?"
"Sure. It seems an appropriate way to get rid of the danged thing."


About the Author

Marcia Allen Bennett

Ladies of the Bomb Squad is Marcia Bennett’s first book for adults. Marcia is a retired teacher/librarian and author of several children’s books. A native of the state of Georgia, she now lives in Texas.

Also by Marcia Allen Bennett

Umbrella Town
Elena’s Gift


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