The Sexual Abuse of Youth within the Church

Steps Toward Recovery

by Tiffany Watkins

The Sexual Abuse of Youth within the Church

The Sexual Abuse of Youth within the Church

Steps Toward Recovery

by Tiffany Watkins

Published Jan 31, 2008
72 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Sexuality & Gender Studies


Book Details

Information Never Revealed Before!

Sexual abuse among youth within the church is a growing issue. No longer can the church hide behind closed doors and allow the abuse to go on among our youth. The author breaks the silence and shares helpful information on how to break the silence within the church. Even if you do not attend church, this book provides helpful information about the many issues of sexual abuse. After being a victim of sexual abuse within the church, she gives valuable information on how to help youth recover from sexual abuse within the church. She also gives helpful tips on how to work with youth who have been sexually abused within the church. This book is a must read for those who work with youth inside and outside the church! A Portion of the book sales will go to help other youth who have been sexually abused.


Book Excerpt

I can tell you from many discussions with people young and old that sexual abuse in the church is more common than mentioned. According to The Abel and Harlow Child Molestation Prevention Study, 93% of admitted Child Molesters claimed to be religious (Abel, G.G., & Harlow, N (2001). Even though we know that sexual abuse occurs with those who do not claim Christianity, the number of those claiming religion is extremely high. Many people claim to know what the bible says about sexual sin. However, when a sexual sin is broken by the one who preaches it; the media uses it as an avenue to find fault within the religious community. Satan uses this to destroy people’s belief in God.

The goals of this book are to:

1. Show how sexual abuse among youth starts through sexual immorality.
2. Show youth and adults how to heal and overcome sexual abuse within the church.
3. Equip parents and adults in the Christian faith on how to minister to those who have been sexually abused in the church.

Once these goals are completed within this book, Satan can no longer have victory over the victim’s life. We know that sexual abuse among youth in the church is only a spirit that has been released in the earth in order to hinder the body of Christ at large. However, through prayer, trust in God, and trust in his word we cannot lose.

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About the Author

Tiffany Watkins

Tiffany Watkins received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Sociology with a minor in Child and Family Studies. She is currently a volunteer for the Foothills Alliance as a crisis counselor for rape and molest victims of adults and children. She has presented at the South Carolina Campaign To Prevent Teen Pregnancy concerning the issue of Sexual Abuse in the Church. She was also interviewed on Gospel Impact Radio, a nationally sindicated radio station. Tiffany is also currently pursuing her Masters of Divinity Degree from the Trinity School of Apologetics. She works with a local teen pregnancy prevention agency called IMPACT! As the program director, she works with state agencies, local agencies, churches and schools in order to reduce teen pregnancy in Anderson, South Carolina. The Sexual Abuse of Youth within the Church is the first in a series of recent pursuits, with work progressing quickly on the follow-up.