How to Experience God

by Dojin Kodo Genki


Book Details

How to Experience God

There are some who say that Buddhism lacks God. That only the Buddha (the first teacher) is venerated. I believe that this idea comes from a gap in cultures and languages. In this book, I hope to give Westerners clear methods to practice in order to experience God. With dedicated practice, there will undoubtedly come a time where you will clearly feel the loving, protective presence of God. This experience cannot correctly be put into words or intellectualized; it can only be realized as a result of regular practice.


Book Excerpt

Meditation is a technique where one “turns inward” to experience “everything outward”. Often confused with prayer, meditation is in reality the other half of prayer. Whereas prayer is an active, projective method to reach out to God, meditation is an active, receptive method to bring God in.

Both prayer and meditation should be practiced to experience God. We have already learned how to pray with the Nenju by reciting the OM mantra, the Mani mantra and the Heart Sutra. Let us now look at meditation from a Buddhist perspective.


About the Author

Dojin Kodo Genki

Dojin Kodo Genki began his journey into Zen, Budo, & Yoga in 1976 under Kwanjangnim Kim Chan Yong. In 1985, Kodo-san began training in Yogic Pranayama and Budo under Kyoshi Huichapan and has been his student ever since. In 1999, Kodo-san met Koro Kaisan Roshi and began formal training in Mugendo Zen. Mugendo Zen primarily focuses on the Rinzai and Soto schools of Zen but other aspects (such as Mikkyo & Taoism) are used. At his Tokudo ceremony in 2002, Dojin Kodo Genki was ordained and presented his Dharma name by Koro Kaisan Roshi. Dojin Kodo Genki is a veteran of the United States Air Force – proudly serving his country in Europe and the middle east. He continues to serve his country in the Kodoan. Kodo-san has a B.A. in Asian Culture from The Evergreen State College (TESC) and is pursuing a Master’s in Comparative Religion at the University of the West.

Also by Dojin Kodo Genki

The Five Sisters