Undergraduate Writing Guide

Writing tools for the Adult Student (APA 6th Edition)

by Dr. Dean Kroeker

Undergraduate Writing Guide

Undergraduate Writing Guide

Writing tools for the Adult Student (APA 6th Edition)

by Dr. Dean Kroeker

Published May 31, 2007
57 Pages
Genre: EDUCATION / Adult & Continuing Education


Book Details

Why do we use APA style

One of the overarching goals for academic writing is to ensure that students are good communicators, and that includes writing well and communicating ideas to a reader in a clear, concise, organized, consistent manner. The writing and citation style adopted is that of the APA (American Psychological Association). However, the APA manual can be cumbersome for students to navigate. Therefore, this guidebook is prepared for adult students to use when writing papers for their classes.


About the Author

Dr. Dean Kroeker

Dr. Dean Kroeker is a student of Adult Learning, wielding the written craft to enrapture the life-long learners mind much like an artist wields a brush. The pages are a potential canvas from which others can draw connect with personal talent heralded by many and matched only by an imagination that rises to the task. This APA Undergraduate Writing Guide is the first in a series of recent pursuits, with work progressing quickly on additional research in the arena of connecting the adult mind to LIFE LONG LEARNING.

Also by Dr. Dean Kroeker

From the Land of Pigs and Indians


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