John R. Scannell, former English teacher, writes to remember...and to discover. He lives with his wife--and their dogs and cats--on a little piece of heaven in western Washington.
Frosh: A One-Year Memoir
by John R. Scannell

Frosh: A One-Year Memoir
by John R. Scannell
Published Dec 29, 2022
244 Pages
Genre: FICTION / Coming of Age
Book Details
In college, it ain't all book learnin'.
It's June 1965.
Frosh—a story that is, by turns, funny, delightful, ribald, enlightening, heart-warming, and heart-breaking—follows Jack Timins, from his last days in Catholic high school, through the summer of ’65, and to the end of his freshman year in college. It is a year when certainties morph into questions.
Questions like: What happens when a studious, seventeen-year-old, Catholic high school graduate—madly in love with his first sweetheart—leaves his childhood and his sweetheart behind? What happens when he encounters the adult world with adult responsibility? What happens when he leaves the sheltering arms of Catholic school for a secular university—and discovers his first college roommate is an atheist? What happens when this young man—accustomed to obeying authority—is confronted with a dormitory counselor who abuses his authority? What happens when this young man finds the ties to his past life loosening—as he falls in love with acting and the possibilities of being someone completely different from the person he's always been? What happens when he decides to surrender to temptation—even for a moment? What happens when he experiences a broken heart and inconsolable grief—all in a few months?
Frosh is about a year of life-altering change for Jack Timims—a year filled with comedy and tragedy—when he discovers that all the answers he was absolutely sure he possessed have reshaped themselves into questions.
Frosh is his answer.