Book Details


THE RAPTURE HAS HAPPENED! The world is in chaos; lawlessness is the order of the day. There is still hope for some; the 144,000 foretold in the Book of Revelation are now upon the earth. These servants of God will offer His redemption and salvation to what is left of mankind. In America, an un-named woman is appointed to one of the Evangelists to be his guardian. She and her dog, Pete will protect him and make sure he remains safe until God calls him home. Unlike the Evangelists, the guardians are not sealed by God and the responsibility of protecting one of God’s chosen can be a deadly decision. The Guardians, in America and throughout the world, must make an individual choice to either accept the mark of the Antichrist or journey with the Evangelists and possibly face public execution. The guillotine has made a comeback.


About the Author

N Tyra

Maiden Warrior is NT’s statement of faith. As an assistant to an Evangelist for many years, the novel expresses deep gratitude to God for bringing them together. Maiden Warrior is also a tribute to her own “Pete”; her beloved companion and one of God’s noble creatures. Readers of all ages are encouraged to read and contemplate the Bible's last book, The Book of Revelation and consider, “what if “?