Treasures of Heaven

Secrets from GOD

by Margo Hastings


Book Details

Remember we serve a Mighty and All-Powerful GOD who created and controls the entire universe, and every created thing; by the Words of His mouth. We can trust the ONE who tells us: “ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD.” Every promise in His Word is absolute truth. His limitless power is unstoppable and His ability to perform is boundless. His Love conquers all fears, while every power and principality is vanquished by His Word. Our Savior’s life represents Miracles from the beginning to never-ending eternal promise of Heaven. How can anyone doubt His matchless power or great LOVE for everyone?


About the Author

Margo Hastings

Margo Hastings has been an Ordained Minister of the gospel since 2007. Seeking the Presence of her Savior, she followed her passion for writing and teaching the Word of GOD, and praying for hurting lives. She has experienced miracle healings and witnessed Divine rescues over the course of her lifetime. The Holy Spirit has whispered Heavenly secrets through her writings to encourage hope, faith and courage for others to believe to receive GOD’s miracle working power as a reality in every life.