Train to Age

Live Fully

by Joni Grant


Book Details

“Joni Grant is one of my favorite people on this planet, and I’m so thankful she wrote Train to Age. This book serves as both an inspiring story and guide to help people of all ages fall in love with strength training. Age is only a number, and we’re only as old as we feel!” —Steve Kamb, Nerd Fitness

If you think aging is a passive endeavor, you are wrong. We don’t stop using our bodies to propel us through our daily lives because we’ve reached a certain age. We become sedentary at our own peril. Instead of becoming weak, learn how to stay strong. Instead of risking a fall, learn how to be stable. It only takes three hours per week to build muscle, improve balance and stability, and slow bone loss. And resistance training offers even more benefits, such as a lowered risk of a heart attack or stroke.

Train to Age is about more than cardio and resistance training. It’s about all the things you want to do with the last third of your life. You can passively walk through the process of aging, allowing its degradations to take away your strength and eventually your independence—or you can Train to Age and live your best life well into your eighties!


About the Author

Joni Grant

Joni Grant discovered in her late fifties that a healthy retirement would require much more than a daily walk if she wanted to stay independent for the last third of her life. Joni was fascinated by all the different facets of aging and how they could be impacted by exercise. If she isn’t spending time with family and friends, you’ll most likely find her in the gym or working on her next book. Train to Age is her first book on fitness for the active ager.